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August 11, 2011

All About Money.

I got this from one of the teachings of Bob Proctor about the power principle of money.
Money is simply an energy that allows you freedom. Freedom to live out your dreams. Freedom to be all that you can be.
Money is in consciousness and it must be earned.
Money is a good servant but a bad master.
Money is a reward you receive for the service you render.
The more valuable the service the greater the reward.

It is our duty to serve and money is a reward we receive for that service.

What struck me most is the following statement:
When you attempt to get without giving, you are trying to reap the harvest without sowing the seeds. That my friend is a sin.

Why is this so?

Take into consideration the Universal Law of: Sowing and Reaping.

Sin is transgression of the law. Violating the law is a sin.

Attempting to get money without providing service is a violation of the law.
Therefore it is a sin.

If a person has receive their money in an unlawful manner don't think for a second that they are on the right track, they must pay the price.

You might see the money they have and the things money will buy yet never see the price they pay. But they will pay. That is the Law.

Now, what is the price they will pay?

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