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July 9, 2013

Achieve Financial Independence Go And Be Successful

Bread and all material things are meant to be means, not ends. -Fr Chito Dimaranan, SDB

An excerpt from the book, "Go And Be Successful" by Wes Beavis.

Eye opening message from the author.
Most of us miss this out during the first years of our income producing life.
Read on... and know why having more money is not the main purpose of achieving financial independence.

Make it your goal to become financially independent.
Each one of us is responsible for our own financial security.

As Fortune Magazine's Nina Easton says, "In the new economy, we all have to be entrepreneurs with our own lives-with all the rewards and risks."
Everyone has the potential to become financially independent. But you have to make it your personal goal.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to reach financial independence.
You just need to work a viable plan.

Financial freedom is that point where you have a river of money flowing into your life that is not dependent on your personal exertion. In effect, the river of money continues to flow without you having to work to make it flow. This is called residual or passive income. It comes from investment properties, stock dividends, interest payments, royalties, and business ownership distributions.

Use the first part of your life working to create the river. The sooner you get started the better.
The longer your river has been in existence, the more capacity it has to produce a big economic yield. Work now to build your financial river and that river will keep you financially buoyant for the rest of your days.

Spend the first years of your income producing life working hard to build a river of residual income. So work, work, work and get that river of residual income flowing.

I could tell you that you don't need to work hard, that you just need to work smart. You need to work both hard and smart. Work is actually good for the human spirit. Work keeps people alive.

If procrastination in starting the river is the danger for young people, the danger for those older in years is thinking that it's too late to start building a river.

It's exciting to see residual income start flowing into your life regardless of the amount. Experience the thrill of being paid from investments working for you.

Having more money is not the main purpose of achieving financial independence. It's having the freedom that financial independence brings. Financial freedom allows you to say what older looks like. Achieving financial independence is a big key to a larger, more meaningful life.

So get that river started!

Source: Go and Be Successful, book by Wes Beavis

Bread and all material things are meant to be means, not ends. -Fr Chito Dimaranan, SDB

As what Steven Covey says, "Begin with an end in mind." The end in mind are not the material things that we desire but the person we become in achieving financial independence. Invest wisely and smartly the first years of your income producing life, work smart.

Because everyday is an investment, invest smartly. 

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Jesse Cadelina
Truly Rich Club Member

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