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May 5, 2013

Connecting is Relationship Building_Invest Your Time Wisely

Excerpt from Rita Pierson's Every Kid Needs a Champion.

"Why kids dropout? Why kids don't learn?"  
"Kids don't learn from people they don't like."
"Human connection is really important."
"No significant learning can occur without significant relationship."
"All learning is understanding relationships."
This is really awesome learning.
How to connect and communicate?
It takes time, an investment of time to fully connect to your audience.

Every Kid Needs a Champion
By: Rita Pierson
Source: TED.com

"I was somebody when I came, I'll be a better somebody when I leave. I'm powerful and I'm strong when I leave. I deserve the education here."

It's the connection, the relationship that matters.

"We are born to make a difference."

Invest smartly your time.
Invest you three T's: Time, Talent, and Treasure wisely.
Investing strategies for your daily life.

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Jesse Cadelina
Truly Rich Club Member

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