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May 30, 2013

Stop worrying and start increasing your cash flow by Kim Kiyosaki

What's important can easily be set aside when you focus on the urgent. Focus on the good and achieve financial freedom. Kim Kiyosaki said, "Have a dream, set a goal, get financial education and make it happen."

Be teachable, a mentor once said. A person who is teachable is the one who applies into action what he or she learned.

An article from Kim Kiyosaki, an internationally-renowned speaker, author (Rich Woman, Good Deal Bad Deal), entrepreneur, real estate investor, radio show host, and the founder of RichWoman.com.

"Stop worrying and start increasing your cash flow!

With so much going on in our busy lives, it can be easy to put our dreams aside to make sure we fulfill our responsibilities to family members, friends, partners, bosses, and more. But in order to achieve financial freedom, it’s essential to have a goal, get the financial education necessary to make that dream a reality and take action on what you learn to make it happen.

And once you start pursuing your goals, don’t forget to think big. Instead of fearing problems, get the support you need to be successful. Have fun and be creative. Then, you will be more likely to find solutions that will help your customers and turn your good deals into great deals."

Source: RichDad.com

This is a change of perspective. A change of mindset. To think big in times crisis needs a different thinking. A change of paradigm. It needs a lot of financial education, continuous learning and you need to surround yourself with mentors to guide you with this.

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Jesse Cadelina
Truly Rich Club Member

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