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September 3, 2014

Philippines Climbs 7 notches in Global Competitiveness Index, Philippines is top emerging economy

It's more fun in the Philippines as what the tourism section of the country says. And its true. It can also be the application of the Law of Attraction. We attract what we claim we are.

On the other side, a mentor once said, "There is money in the Philippines." I thought yeah there's money in the Philippines but not enough. Hehehe.. A question lingers in my mind. Why I am stuck right now?

From the scarcity thinking it's true but for those who have abundance thinking, there's money in the Philippines. Wow!

Different perspective from the successful people around me. Yes, I associate myself to the people who think different. Sounds familiar, Apple's tagline, "Think Different."

There is good news right now, the Philippines is growing economically. Ranks 5th among the Southeast Asian countries. Ohh, this really good news.

"The Philippines placed fifth in terms of competitiveness among nine Southeast Asian countries included in the report, ahead of Vietnam, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Cambodia and Myanmar."
Source: Abs-cbnnews
Photo credits: Yahoo, Inquirer

"Compagnie Française d’Assurance pour le Commerce Extérieur (COFACE) cited the Philippines as a country with high growth potential and the most favorable prospect of increasing production capacity in the years to come."
"COFACE said the Philippines is also considered to have the most favorable business climate."
Source: Inquirer

The challenge is, if the Philippines is growing are you growing in your personal economy? O my, upon hearing this to my mentor I was stunned.

Will you ride on the country's growth or will you just watch?

The choice is ours. Something to ponder with.

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