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December 23, 2010

Best Money Tips, Great Investment Tips Ever. (1st set)

Challenge the big guys
Bad times are the best times to move your business forward, especially if you are a small business. The big guys are back on their haunches, waiting things out. If you are willing to stick your neck out, this is when your energy and creativity can outmaneuver the big companies. This is your opportunity.
-Barbara Corcoran

Look beyond your home
People are mistaken about the long-run gains they might make in real estate. I put together a home-price series going back to 1980. And it's wrong to think real estate investments as a group will have to go up much in price.
-Robert Shiller

Teach independence
Raise your children to make a job, not just take a job. If they don't know how to create a plan, they'll always be beholden to someone else.
-Joline Godfrey

Retire your debt before you retire
Many people are now going into retirement with debt. So how about this for an old-fashioned idea? Pay off your mortgage before you retire if you want financial safety and security. There is bankruptcy among people in their seventies and eighties who had a lot of debt that they couldn't carry when the paychecks stopped.
-Jane Bryant Quinn

Save (but don't invest) like me
The first section of my new book with Charlie Ellis, "The Elements of Investing," is titled "It All Starts With Saving." If you don't put money aside now, you won't have money later on.
-Burton Malkiel

Stick with like-minded people
Good money management is a lifestyle. If you surround yourself with people who share the same values, you're more likely to stay on track.
-Lynn Truong

Invest age-appropriately
There is much that is worrisome in our economy. That's why your bond position should be commensurate with your age. In my case that means I have more than 80% in bonds. Someone in their fifties should consider 50%.

The value of the bond position is not just that it provides you some protection in a down market -- it does, of course. But its value is that it keeps you from making behavioral errors such as selling stocks during a panic.
-Jack Bogle

To be continued...

Image source: flickrr
Article source: cnn.com

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