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July 21, 2011

Investment Secrets Pinoy Ranks Google Search

Today"Investment Secrets Pinoy" tops at the Google Search.  Am so thankful I made it to the top.  I made extra effort to do this.  Now, the challenge is to stay at the top everyday. Am so glad I found the way, the vehicle to be at the top rank of Google Search.

Am so thankful to my mentor Jomar Hilario for the continued support he has given in his online club.
Together with my investment in the CPA instruments who also teaches Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
I paid the price for my success.  I invest my time and money to get to this internet  Marketing. Earning online is made possible to those who want to learn internet marketing.  

Mentors helps a lot. Now go find a mentor for yourself.

My mentor in the Internet Marketing, making money online: Jomar Hilario
My mentor in the online Stock Market Investment: Bo Sachez (Truly Rich Club)


  1. Wow! Brod Congrats. Im happy for you. You made it to the top. Keep it up brod. I love you brod.


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