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August 17, 2012

Rich Thinking versus Poor Thinking

There is a slight difference between the rich thinking and the poor thinking people around us. Take a look at this comparison and decide for yourself what kind of thinking do you have. This is from my mentor Robert Kiyosaki.

Rich Thinking:
Income    -   Expenses:                    = Savings:
                    Household                         Doodads
                    Charity                              Liabilities
                    Success Education
                    Business Seminars

Poor Thinking:
Income    -   Expenses:                    = Savings:
                    Household                        Charity
                    Doodads                          Success Education
                    Liabilities                          Business Seminars

Carefully scan at how and where the expenses of the Rich Thinking people go. Look at the priorities of their spending. They still have expenses for household but they also make it sure as urgent as possible to give for charity, success education, business seminars, books for personal development, and for investments. And after the first priority, comes the less important one's such as the unnecessary things in life called "doodads" and the liabilities.

By the way according to Robert Kiyosaki, assets are those that generates income that eventually adds to our pocket. While liabilities are those that adds up to our cash outlay monthly.

In contrast, poor thinking spends the money first for household of course, the doodads, and buys things that will only add to their monthly cash outlay called the liabilities. And after that, if their still are savings, only then that they will give for charity, education, business seminars, books, and investments.

In tough times, rich thinking people always put first things first and that is for personal growth and investments. Like charity, success education, seminars, books and investments.

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Jesse Cadelina
Truly Rich Club Member

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Photo credit: flickrCC

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