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July 15, 2013

Investment in Education not for Knowledge but Action

Investment in Education not for Knowledge but Action. A wonderful article worth pondering. Many of us are busy doing and accomplishing many things already, but according to a speaker he said, "This is my fear that we are doing many things that don't really matter."

Read on...
An excerpt from the book, "Steps to the Top" by Zig Ziglar.

To know what type of person you are.  

Are you the type of person who makes things happen, watches things happen, or doesn't even know what happened? These are the three kinds of people: the doers, the onlookers, and the uninterested.

The doers are those energetic people who are always willing to try a new approach or test a new product. They are genuinely interested in new ideas and in putting those ideas into action.

Then there are the onlookers. These are the people who are interested in new ideas, but are only interested in watching someone else go to the trouble of testing them.

And finally, the third group is the uninterested. These are the people who are neither interested in testing new ideas, nor in watching anyone else do so.

Yes, it is a choice that is entirely up to you. We become doers by choosing to do!

"He that is busy is tempted by but one devil; he that is idle, by a legion."
-Thomas Fuller

Source: Book, "Steps to the Top", by Zig Ziglar
Which one are you?

What matters most to you?
Invest time and invest money wisely, to the things that really matter.

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Jesse Cadelina
Truly Rich Club Member


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