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July 17, 2013

The 90/10 Rule of Money Rich Dad's Guide to Investing

In his Cash Flow Quadrant, Robert Kiyosaki explains that 90% of the people are working in the left side quadrant of which are the Employees and the Self-Employed and earns only the 10% of the worlds wealth. On the other hand, the Business Owners and the Investors at the right quadrant are only 10% that earns the 90% of the wealth.
From the book, Rich Dad's Guide to Investing by Robert Kiyosaki explains the 90/10 Rule of money.

Fun reading and learning.

Most of us have heard of the 80/20 rule. In other words, 80% of our success comes from 20% of our efforts. Originated by the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto in 1897, it is also known as "The Principle of Least Effort."

Rich dad agreed with the 80/20 rule for overall success in all areas but not money. When it came to money, he believed in the 90/10 rule.

Rich dad noticed that 10% of the people had 90% of the money. He pointed out that in the world of movies, 10% of the actors made 90% of the money. He also noticed that 10% of the athletes made 90% of the money as did 10% of the musicians.

The same 90/10 rule applies to the world of investing, which is why his advice to investors was, "Don't be average."

An article in The Wall Street Journal recently validated his opinion. It stated that 90% of all corporate shares of stock in America are owned by just 10% of the people.

This book explains how some of the investors in the 10% have gained 90% of the wealth and how you might be able to do the same.

-Robert Kiyosaki's, "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing"
What the Rich invest in, that the poor and middle class do not!

Investing means different things to different people. In fact, there are different investments for the rich, poor, and the middle class. Rich Dad's Guide to Investing is a long-term guide for anyone who wants to become a rich investor and invest in what the rich invest in. As the title states, it is a 'guide' and offers no guarantees... only guidance.

-Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing will reveal...
1. Rich Dad's basic rules of investing
2. How to reduce your investment risk
3. Rich Dad's 10 Investor Controls
4. How to convert your ordinary income into passive and portfolio income
5. How you can be the ultimate investor
6. How to turn your ideas into multimillion-dollar businesses
7. How and why many people today will go bankrupt
Source: Robert Kiyosaki's book, Rich Dad's Guide to Investing

Happy Investing!

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Jesse Cadelina
Bo Sanchez "Truly Rich Club" Member

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