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May 17, 2013

Every day is an investment by Seth Godin

Great article from Seth Godin, a writer, a speaker and an agent of change. Wonderful reminder that everyday is an investment. Therefore, you should make the most of your time because you can do better.

A question worth pondering,
Will you work with and for someone who doesn't care about you?
Are you working for somebody's dream? How about working yours?

Read on...
You will regret not taking an additional minute to continue reading.
"You're not lucky to have this job, they're lucky to have you. Every day, you invest a little bit of yourself into your work, and one of the biggest choices available to you is where you'll be making that investment.

That project that you're working on, or that boss you report to... worth it?

Investing in the wrong place for a week or a month won't kill you. But spending ten years contributing to something that you don't care about, or working with someone who doesn't care about you... you can do better."

Source: SethGodin.typepad.com

You maybe thinking differently now. Take a look at it one more time and you will be thinking of your own dreams and caring about yourself... you can do better.

Everyday is an investment. Invest smartly your time. Invest smartly your treasure. Invest smartly your talent. 

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Jesse Cadelina
Truly Rich Club Member

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