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September 4, 2013

Find and Invest in Your Passion, Invest in Your Compelling Future

A VIDEO worth watching. So wonderful you'll  never regret watching it. A great video on having a compelling future by Anthony Robbins.

Here are some notes:

Do not just survive but thrive in the most difficult economic environment you have.

Have the best perception of your future.

When you have a crisis, when you have no where to go, burn your boats.

When you have to make something happen that's when you find  breakthroughs.

It's not that you don't have stress but you learn how to use stress instead of stress to use us.

Crisis gives you an opportunity to revamp your life.

Have a compelling future.

Envision and believe a compelling future.

See as it is but not worse as it is and don't give up.

Make a declaration, i'm strong enough and i can find a way to make this thing happen.

Enjoy watching!

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Investment Secrets Pinoy
Bo Sanchez "Truly Rich Club" Member

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